Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Passover: "The Fifth Cup...I will marry you to the Land"

At the Passover Seder a fifth cup is filled for the Spirit of Elijah to come and drink, and the Seder is concluded with "next year in Jerusalem."  Though the plan of the God of Israel is not yet complete in every detail, the goal and purposes that he has set forth for his people are quite clear and unambiguous.  Though the journey of Israel out of Egypt ended in catastrophic failure and death in the wilderness--- for all but Joshua, Caleb, and the children--- it is not the end of the story or journey for the surviving remnant, including the surviving remnant right up to this day.
When all Israel is re-gathered from the "nations" into the Land of Israel, at the appointed place (and in an appointed time or "moed") for a free, delivered, and redeemed people,  then all things will be joined in an "echad" (oneness or unity).  Then the Kingdom of Israel will have its King ruling his Kingdom.  The Land will have its blessed Sabbaths and care, and a fruitfulness that flows simply from being under the hand of its true people.  Nothing will be forced, intensive, or artificial.  Each will dwell secure under their "Fig and Vine".  The marriage of the King's own people to the Land will clean up and remove the stains of pollution:  all the trash of the Land---physical, soulish, and spiritual---will be gathered and burned.  Everyone will know what is clean, and everyone will know what is unclean:  it will be written on the hearts of the people.
This final "Israel of God" will succeed all the other intermediate "Israels" of history.  How will one know or recognize that final Israel of God?  The coming of the Spirit of Elijah will reveal and confirm that Israel.  Just as the Spirit of Elijah called to the people of Israel of his day, so once again that Spirit will "call" to the people of Israel.  The drought of rain from the heavens will once again sear the Land and the hearts of the people.  Once again, mighty divine judgments will fall on the false priests, prophets, and rulers of Israel, and once again the people will have a choice.  Once again the spirit of Jezebel will fulminate and rage, to no avail:  the dogs will once again lick up her polluting blood.  And once again the latter day manifestation of Ahab---the false messiah and king---will have the same ending:  slain by the true King of Israel.
The drinking of the final Passover Cup establishes, ratifies, confirms, and seals our participation in the Spirit of Elijah.  This is the great hope of the Kingdom of Israel:  a consummation of the relationship of King-Kinsman-Redeemer-Bridegroom with his Bride.  And a final Great Feast.
If that King of Israel and his Kingdom is coming to earth, a "rapture" people could find itself going in the opposite direction of that descending Kingom!  One might want to ponder whether one is headed in the wrong direction.  Sure would be a shame to miss the Feast!

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